As a Home owner you know that real estate prices and sales volume tend to rise in the first five or six months of the beginning of the year.
By August we tend to see a dip in sales as both buyers and sellers (and most realtors) are in vacation mode.
In general by September we see an increase in activity until December. Keep in mind that the volume of sales generally don’t reach the same plateau as in June/July after September.
So it would make sense for most sellers to list their home for sale when the market is at its best – May/June. Right?
Yes and No.
From a buyer’s perspective:
Because of new mortgage rules taking place in March and April, most first time home buyers will be looking for a closing date of mid March or so.
Not enough real estate inventory may make it difficult for buyers to find their dream home.
From a seller’s perspective:
These new mortgage rules will bring more buyers onto the market which could possibly mean better prices/terms on the sale of their home.
There is more competition in May and June; making much more competitive for sellers.
I propose that we get out there and list your home as soon as we can so that we can excel .
If you want to do sell for most and increase your profit substantially, you must contact us to start the process.